SC Healthy Connections for Kids 

South Caroline Healthy Connections Kids

Pick up the application packet in the Health Room.

Ringing phone gif

Changes in your student's health status? Give us a call and let us know.

Easley High School Health Room

Healthy children learn better!

Brenda Faulkner, RN
Kristi O'Quinn, RN

Attention All Students!

Any prescription medication given at school will require a new/updated physician's authorization. You may take the medication permission form to your student's physician and have them complete the top portion. We cannot administer prescription medications without physician authorization. Medication Permission forms can be found on the School District of Pickens County website and the school website under Student Services and Health Information.

No Health Insurance for your student and over the income for Medicaid? Check into the Medicaid Program

Medications In School

Medication forms are available in the health room> If your student will need to take medication at school, they will need a medication form filled out and the medication brought to the nurse in the original container. Prescription medications will need a physician signature on the permission form in order to be given at school.

Immunization Requirements for School

In order to attend school in South Carolina, students must meet the requirements for immunizations. If your student is delinquent in their immunizations, you will be notified by the school nurse.

School Exclusion List

South Carolina DHEC publishes a list of illnesses that students may not attend school if they are diagnosed. See the current list at the above link to DHEC.